
нормативные документы

As part of the implementation of the "Action Plan for the introduction of information modeling technology in the design of construction projects (BIM-technologies)" approved by the order of the Minister of Investment and Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 11, 2017 № 197 (as amended by the order № 139 of February 27, 2018) In the period from 2017-2018 developed and approved:

В 2019 году Центром информационного моделирования АО «КазНИИСА» были разработаны и утверждены следующие нормативные технические документы:

In case of questions, suggestions or difficulties with google-documents, please contact Mukanova Aigerim.


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The new direction of renewed Kazakhstan.

Mr. Kulbaev Begman
Mr. Kulbaev Begman

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