Construction Industry Research Center

The main goals and objectives of the Academic Secretary's Service are:
- Conducting research and innovative research in the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the involvement of scientists and practitioners of the country
- Creating conditions for innovation, dissemination and implementation of scientific, technical and technological knowledge of an applied nature obtained as a result of scientific research
- Finding partners and establishing long-term relationships with enterprises and organizations, as well as promoting the introduction of high-tech developments to domestic and foreign markets; analytical research; development of research methods and technologies for their application; development of research programs
- Preparation of applications for participation in competitions on grant financing of scientific research
- Processing of building codes and regulations in order to harmonize domestic norms with international norms and standards; experimental and theoretical studies of buildings, structures, structures and building materials; development of methodological guidelines, instructions, manuals, etc. regulatory documents; calculations of buildings and structures and analysis of results, development of new design solutions
- Development of Technical Specifications (in the development of regulatory documentation) and implementation of scientific and technical support at the design stage
- Analysis of design decisions and drawing up conclusions
- Development and analysis of methods for strengthening (restoration of structures) of buildings
- Provision of engineering services to design and construction organizations in the field of inspection of the technical condition of buildings and structures, calculation of load-bearing structures, development of recommendations for strengthening and restoration of building structures
- Creation of software and hardware for experimental and theoretical research
If you have not found answers to your questions, you can ask them using the feedback form.

Lapin Vladimir AlekseevichScientific Secretary
Candidate of Technical Sciences,
corresponding member
corresponding member of
the International
Engineering academy.
corresponding member
corresponding member of
the International
Engineering academy.