History of KazRICA

The history of the creation of the Kazakh Research and Design Institute and its construction began on September 7, 1931, then the Council of People's Commissars of the Kazakh Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (KASSR) adopted Resolution No. 46 on the organization of the first institute of this particular profile - the Research Institute of Construction Materials and Institutions . (NIISMiS).
As a result of a number of transformations of the divisions of construction and radio engineering areas, NIISMiS in 1957 became part of the Kazakh branch of ASiA of the USSR. In connection with the liquidation of ASiA of the USSR in 1964, they were transferred to Kazpromstroyproekt, which was renamed Kazpromstroyproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee and the scientific part of the institute was headed by academician T.Zh. Zhunusov.
А в январе 1990 года на базе научной части Казахского государственного проектного и научно-исследовательского института (КазпромстройНИИ проект) был создан Казахский научно-исследовательский и проектно-экспериментальный институт сейсмостойкого строительства и строительства (КазНИИССА).
Subsequently, the institute became a republican state enterprise (RSE).
Начиная с 23 февраля 1990 г. КазНИИССА является регистратором в республике головной государственной научно-исследовательской и проектной организации по проблемам строительного комплекса Казахстана, включая районы с особыми структурами инженерно-геологическими условиями и регионами, переменными землетрясениями.
Первым директором КазНИИССА стал инженер-строитель, технические науки, профессор, академик доктор Жунусов Толеубай Жунусович.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Republic of Kazakhstan No. 922 dated July 30, 2012 and the order of the Committee on Privatization and Privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the RSE "Kazakh Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Earthquake Resistant Construction and Construction" (RGPNIISSA) was reorganized into the Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture" (hereinafter referred to as KazNIISA JSC).

September 7, 1931
the first technical institute was created, the Scientific Research Institute of Building Materials and Structures (NIISMiS)
Joined the
Kazakh branch of ASiA USSR
Transferred to
KazprostroyNIIproekt of the USSR State Construction Committee
to the Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Earthquake-Resistant Construction and Architecture (KazNIISA)
Joint-Stock Company
with 100% state participation of KazNIISA JSC
Scope of Activity of JSC "KazNIISA"
- research and implementation of modern information technologies in construction, as well as design using BIM technologies (there is practical experience);
- monitoring in the field of pricing in construction, development of individual cost estimates and technological maps in construction;
- scientific and technical cooperation with domestic and foreign organizations in the field of earthquake-resistant construction;
- training and advanced training of construction industry specialists, including the basics of the new regulatory legal framework, including Eurocodes and information modeling, certification of engineering and technical personnel;
- provision of construction and laboratory services (accredited laboratory and production base);
- design of buildings, structures and objects of any level of complexity, including the development of standard designs for construction in normal and seismic areas in various climatic zones;
- expert work on technical inspection of buildings and structures, provision of consulting services in the development of regulatory technical documents and regulatory legal acts in the field of architecture;
- urban planning and construction, including interstate and international;
- conducting scientific research, experimental, technological and design work, introducing new and innovative scientific and technical developments (materials, structures and technologies) into construction practice;
- development of special technical conditions.