Innovative Research

1.По дог. № 1558 от 29 декабря 2015 года выполнено инновационное исследование на тему «Провести исследования и разработать руководство по закладке электронных маркёров на трассах подземных коммуникаций различного назначения и приёмке трасс подземных коммуникаций по электронным маркёрам».
In order to implement the innovative solution of 3M company, JSC KazRICA has developed "Guidelines for laying electronic markers on the routes of underground utilities for various purposes and acceptance of constructed routes of underground utilities by electronic markers", which outlines the basic provisions for laying electronic markers for the purpose of confident identification of any underground utilities.
It describes the technology of electronic marking, methods of laying electronic markers and construction of electronic system of underground utilities accounting, specifies the types of markers used depending on the type of marked communication.
3M™ 1421 XRiD - Application ScopeProgrammable marker with internal memory

They are designed to facilitate the identification (finding) of the exploited route in places of installation of wells, couplings, turns of the route and at crossings over communications.
The peculiarity of intelligent markers is the ability to pre-record and read information (up to 192 bits) about the object (name, affiliation, etc.).
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Желтый
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 83,0 кГц
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Красный
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 169,8 кГц
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Оранжевый
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 101,4 кГц
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Пурпурный
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 66,35 кГц
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Синий
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 145,7 кГц
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Зеленый
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 121,6 кГц
Housing color (APWA standard) – Purple — Оранж. + черный
Резонансная частота (стандарт APWA) — 77,0 кГц
1420E EMS IDMarker Finder
Designed for locating underground utilities if electronic markers are installed on them.
Lightweight, rugged and reliable device with intuitive menus and high-resolution backlit display. Allows you to accurately locate passive and smart 3M markers and their depth.