
Самая яркая BIM-идея года

"The brightest BIM idea of the year"
Moscow, 2016.The Institute received an award for the project "The concept of information modeling (BIM) implementation in the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan based on the analysis of world experience in the application of information modeling technology for buildings and structures."

Национальный бизнес-рейтинг Лидер Казахстана 2014 и 2013 Астана

"Leader of Kazakhstan - 2014 and 2013"
National business rating
AstanaНастенной медалью «Лидер Казахстана» АО «КазНИИСА» награжден за значительный вклад в развитие экономики Казахстана, становление высоких стандартов производственной деятельности и поддержку международного имиджа страны.

Национальный сертификат Лидер отрасли

"Industry Leader - 2013 and 2014"
National certificate
AstanaThe national certificate "Industry Leader" was awarded to JSC KazRICA as the leader of the economy in the construction industry, whose scale and solvency make it possible to obtain investment attractiveness and make a social contribution to the development of the economy of Kazakhstan.

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The new direction of renewed Kazakhstan.

Mr. Kulbaev Begman
Mr. Kulbaev Begman

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