
The head office of JSC KazRICA is located in Almaty, the institute also has branches in Astana, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Taraz.
Восточно-Казахстанский Филиал создан на основании решения Совета директоров Акционерного общества «Казахский научно-исследовательский и проектный институт строительства и архитектуры» (АО «КазНИИСА») (далее — Общество), протокол №1 от 18.01.2013 года и приказа Общества №38 от 15.02.2013 года. Целью деятельности Восточно-Казахстанского Филиала АО «КАЗНИИСА» (далее — Филиала) является исполнение функций АО «Казахский научно-исследовательский и проектный институт строительства и архитектуры» (АО «КазНИИСА») вне места его нахождения в качестве обособленного структурного подразделения Общества. Предметом деятельности Филиала является проведение научных исследований, проектных работ, а также опытно-экспериментальных по проблемам надежности зданий и сооружений, сейсмостойкого строительства и архитектуры, участие в разработке нормативно-технических документов в области архитектуры, градостроительства и строительства Республике Казахстан.
ОThe main activities of the Branch are the following types of work:ются следующие виды работ:
- Conducting scientific research, experimental, technological and design works aimed at ensuring the reliability and safety of buildings and structures, their seismic resistance, as well as reducing socio-economic damage from possible earthquakes and other natural and man-made disasters;
- Participation in the implementation of new and innovative scientific and technical developments (materials, structures and technologies) in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction, expertise of new materials and technologies used in the field of earthquake-resistant construction, as well as recommendations for their implementation;
- Participation in the development of normative and technical documents and normative legal acts in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction, including interstate and international standards;
- Conducting expert work and providing consulting services in the field of ensuring the reliability of buildings and structures of earthquake-resistant construction;
- Organization and holding of training seminars, trainings, scientific conferences and round tables in the field of earthquake-resistant construction;
- Development of scientific and methodological literature (collections of scientific papers, journals, monographs, methodological and instructional documents), information, training, advertising printed and video materials to ensure the dissemination of knowledge in the field of earthquake-resistant construction;
- Development of feasibility studies for innovative and investment projects, including the development and modernization of scientific and technical infrastructure in the field of earthquake-resistant construction;
- Performing research, design and technological works and services in the field of earthquake-resistant construction, as well as construction and installation work in the manufacture of prototypes of building structures and products;
- Development of methods for engineering calculations of buildings and structures for seismic effects;
- Performing work to determine the seismic resistance of buildings and structures of existing buildings, as well as experimental building structures;
- Conducting studies of structures of buildings and structures in seismic areas affected by earthquakes and other natural and man-made disasters, as well as issuing recommendations for the restoration and strengthening of structures of reconstructed buildings and structures prone to earthquakes and other natural and man-made disasters;
- Participation in the development of new types and types of earthquake-resistant structures, experimental verification and their subsequent implementation in construction practice, as well as the development of methods and techniques for work on strengthening structures of buildings and structures of existing buildings;
- Conducting research on pricing issues in construction;
- Participation in the development of standard projects of buildings and structures for seismic and non-seismic areas in various climatic zones;
- Participation in the development and implementation of seismic microdistricting methods;
- Participation in the implementation of scientific and technical relations with domestic and foreign organizations in the field of earthquake-resistant construction;
- Development of technical conditions for design and construction in areas with a seismicity of more than 9 points and/or in areas of possible manifestation of tectonic faults on the daytime surface.

Begimkhanova Asfira AkzamovnaDirector of the East Kazakhstan branch
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South Kazakhstan branch of the Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Construction and Architecture" was established on the basis of the order of the General Director of JSC "KazRICA" for № 38 from February 15, 2013 on the basis of South Kazakhstan subsidiary state enterprise of the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management "Kazakh Research and Design and Experimental Institute of Earthquake Resistant Construction and Architecture" was created South Kazakhstan branch of the Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Earthquake Resistant Construction and Architecture".
Types of activity in accordance with the constituent documents: participation in the development of normative and technical documents, standard projects of buildings and structures. Survey of buildings and constructions of existing construction in Zhambyl, South Kazakhstan regions. Development of design and estimate documentation for construction of new buildings and major repairs of existing buildings and structures. Technical supervision of construction and installation works. Author's supervision over construction of objects.

Baitemirov Mukhan NazarovichDirector branche
Dear site visitors!
If you have not found answers to your questions in the South Kazakhstan branch of KazRICA JSC, you can ask them using the feedback form.
Before asking a question, please read the answers to frequently asked questions:
Branch of the Joint Stock Company "Kazakh Research Institute of Construction and Architecture" was established by the order of the Republican State Enterprise on the right of economic management of JSC "Kazakh Research and Design Institute of Earthquake Resistant Construction and Architecture" of the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan for Construction and Housing and Communal Services from March 31, 2010 № 46. The branch was established in order to improve scientific and technological (innovation) support and reforming of the construction industry of Kazakhstan by developing modern regulatory framework and introducing breakthrough technologies and standards in the construction industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Types of activity: development of normative documents on pricing and estimates, formation of estimated norms for construction and installation, repair and construction works, preparation of technological maps for construction and installation works, development of methodological documents on estimated pricing, preparation of individual estimated normative documents, development, revision and updating of normative and technical documents in the field of architecture, urban planning and construction.

Khasen Arman AkylbekulyHead of the branch - Director of the center for standardization in construction
Dear site visitors!
If you have not found answers to your questions in the Astana branch of KazNIISA JSC, you can ask them using the feedback form.
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