Information Modeling Center

Центр информационного моделирования является структурным подразделением АО «КазНИИСА». Центр образован 1.04.2016 года. Разработанная на сегодняшний день нормативная основа позволяет применять ТИМСО на этапе проектирования и экпертизы проектов.
Внедрение ТИМСО осуществляется в рамках «Плана мероприятий по внедрению технологии информационного моделирования в строительную отрасль Республики Казахстан» (далее — План мероприятий) утвержденного приказом Министра индустрии и инфраструктурного развития Республики Казахстан от 11.04.2017 г. №197 (внесены и дополнения Приказом №139 от 27.02.2018 года).
Main activities of the center
- -are the implementation of activities, within the competence of the Company, for the implementation of state policy in the field of the introduction of advanced information modeling (B1M) methods in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities
- проведение работ по типовому и индивидуальному проектированию с использованием технологии информационного моделирования строительных объектов (далее — ТИМСО)
- , calculation of building structures using programs TIMСO
- conducting an examination of information models of construction facilities, identifying deviations from standards, classifiers, checking for collisions and violations of building codes and regulations
- conducting consulting services for the implementation of TIMСO, training courses and seminars for all subjects of architectural and construction activities
- conducting an audit and the introduction of advanced TIMСO methods (B1M technology) in the production activities of subjects of the architectural market, construction and urban development activities
- development and adaptation of standards and other normative and technical documents on the use of TIMСO for subjects of the market of architectural, construction and urban planning activities
- research of the world experience in the use of B1M technology, participation and conducting research using advanced TIMСO methods
- conducting other work related to the introduction and use of advanced TIMСO methods (B1M technology)
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How is the digitalization of facilities useful?
Financial regulation
Reliable and secure
Minimizes errors
Controls costs
Reduces cost
Condition monitoring
Digital transformation
Our mission
“Promote the digitalization of industrial and civil facilities in order to reduce risks during project implementation”