JSC "KazRICA" - state research and design institute in the field of construction

Centers JCS «KazRICA»KazRICA JSC includes 6 centers

Rationing Center in construction

Development of regulatory technical documents, collections on estimated pricing in construction, energy and housing and communal services...

Information Modeling Center

Development of the regulatory and technical framework in the field of implementation of information modeling technology in industrial and civil construction...

Center for seismic resistance, inspection of buildings and structures

Technical inspection of buildings and structures, testing and confirmation of their seismic safety, coordination of work in the area…

Center for standard and individual design

Development of standard designs for residential and public buildings, intended for repeated implementation in subsequent construction, development…

Corporate University

Improving the qualifications of workers, organizations and conducting certification of engineers specializing in the field of design, design and survey...

Scientific Research Center

Conducting cutting-edge scientific research in the field of introducing new materials and technological innovations in the construction industry at our own…

Branches JCS «KazRICA»The head office of JSC «KazRICA» is located in Almaty,
the institute also has branches in Astana, Ust-Kamenogorsk and Taraz.

Филиалы АО "КазНИИСА"
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    Almaty office No. 1
    Almaty Office No. 2
    Office Astana
    • Saryarka district, st. Beybitshilik 14, office 1406

    • 8 (7172) 57-53-03

    Office Taraz
    Office Ust-Kamenogorsk